Department of Justice

Ireland has a problem with sexual violence and sexual harassment. We struggle to know when lines are crossed. More often than not, we’re inclined to excuse inexcusable behaviour.

So Cian Tormey and I created a campaign that was reflective of that insight and evolved, or unfolded, the issue for our audiences. 

The first iteration of the ad, raised awareness of the issue by showing five everyday scenes of sexual harassment, violence and potential assault. The voiceover for the ad, Stephen James Smith simply asks: Is this a problem?

In the second iteration, we recorded focus groups’ reactions to the ad and the reasons they gave to explain the actions of the predators in each scene. In doing so, their unscripted excuses laid bare Ireland’s problematic attitudes towards sexual violence and harassment.

This campaign won silver at the Kinsale International Advertising Festival. 

Credits: Cian Tormey, Art Director. Brendan Canty, Director at Antidote Films. Mark Richards, Mutiny Recording Studios.

The radio campaign I wrote and directed was also awarded at ICAD.


Healthy Ireland

